Well I spent yesterday at the Red Cross for training. I am going to be volunteering some of my time at Camp Williams. They need people for 12 hour shifts. 7am to 7pm or 7pm to 7am. Im not sure what I'll be doing but hopefully I can handle being on my feet that long. Since I'm used to sitting on my butt all day at work. I just felt like I needed to do something. So I should be getting a call from the Red Cross in the next day or 2 to be signing up for some times. Work is fine with it since we happen to be in down time.
Listened to 2 news last night and we have raised over 1.5 million for the people affected by Katrina. Hopefully that money will keep rolling in and we can do our part. I know that people are still suffering in the wake of the hurricane. We must continue to assist these people. At least make them as comfortable as we can while they are our guests here. I was really glad to hear last night that they are starting to pump out the water and have the levies sandbagged.
How You Can Help Hurricane Katrina Evacuees Temporarily Living In Utah
Contact Information For The Governor's Office
The State of Utah has set up a toll-free phone number for people and community service organizations who want to volunteer time, help, advice and expertise to the hurricane relief effort. That number is 1-866-873-2437.
In addition to the toll free number, an email address, katrinavolunteers@utah.gov, has been created for the same purpose.
The United Way is accepting monetary donations to help hurricane evacuees temporarily living in Utah. You can donate by calling 801-736-8929.
If you would like to donate clothing to victims of Hurricane Katrina that are in Utah, the governor’s office suggests you donate to the Crossroads Urban Center at (801-359-8837), the Salvation Army or Deseret Industries. Do not take clothing directly to Camp Williams.
Food donations can be taken to Salt Lake area Harmons stores, the Utah Food Bank, or you can contact your local food pantry by calling 211.
To donate supplies for the pets of Hurricane Survivors who are now at Camp Williams call Bluffdale Animal Control and ask for Patty Hoaglund at 870-1504.
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